What Are Those?
Shoes of GCHS
Students of Grayslake Central have different ways of expressing themselves. From clothes, to music, to
hair, and even their lanyards, people find ways to express themselves. Rampage took a moment to look
down and ask students, “What are you wearing? And why?”

Shoes: 6 inch platform boots
Toman believes a good shoe should make you feel empowered while still being comfortable. These boots were purchased in March 2023 to give Toman a confident stride and she thinks, “I don’t find any price ridiculous for shoes, as long as the shoe itself is of a quality build and is a unique piece.”

Shoes: Jordan 1 Retro High OG
Gorge Green Dunks
Crane bought these shoes off of the website StockX because she “liked the colors and they matched well with things.” To Crane, a good shoe has to contain the right colors, look good, and fit perfectly. Crane believes anything over $400 is way to much to spend on shoes.