Boys Tennis Gets Washed Out

Boys Tennis, despite delays, remains victorious in the 21-22 season

Kyle William, Staff Reporter

Despite multiple delays and setbacks, the boy’s varsity and junior varsity tennis teams have done very well in their season. Winning all games so far, the boy’s tennis team has started and remained strong. However, delays due to weather, mainly rain, posed an obstacle to the team.

“A challenge has absolutely, positively, been the weather because it’s either raining or snowing. Or it’s so cold because of the wind… we have to cancel because of the cold. The Illinois High School Association requires it must be above a certain wind chill factor or else we cannot play,” said Millian Patel, captain of the boys varsity team.

Thankfully they will be making up all matches that were missed due to weather. In the meantime, the boys are getting in more practice time with the help of Coach Lawson.

“My groundstrokes, my serves, my volleys, all that stuff: they’ve all just gotten better. And I think that’s due to the amount of effort that our coach puts into us every single day,” said Millian Patel.

Hopes are high moving forward for the tennis team. “Overall, the team is doing very well. We have a really good chance to win the conference this year,” said Lawson.