Walk, talk, or study? How to spend your Rams Block
Fun and relaxing ways to efficiently spend your RAMS block.
From left to right, sophomore Justin Spoor, junior Brian Acosta, and senior Graciela Requena relax during their Rams Block. The new opportunity for students allows them more freedom to focus on schoolwork on their own time and make the hallways a bit more populated during the day.
November 20, 2021
Rams block is a time slot given to students which allows them to sleep in, go home, work on homework, or spend time with friends; the possibilities are endless. Students can take the given time to get extra help or relax before their next class. Locations around the school are offered to students who wish to stay in the building like the LRC, soft seating areas, the annex, and the cafeteria. According to a survey conducted by RamsMedia, over half of the respondents answered that they stay in school during Rams block. If you are one of the many individuals that stay on campus, you may be at a loss as to what you can do during this free time.
It’s a great idea to work on homework or other outside assignments, but what places are available? For a quiet atmosphere, the LRC is the place to be. However, the annex and cafeteria also offer seating to study. You can also take this time to relax and unwind by going on your phone, hanging out with friends, or playing games in soft seating areas.
Another way to relax can be by creating fun and unique pottery pieces. The ceramics room is open to students from first through eighth period, except seventh. There, students can work on ceramic artwork or find their own space to study.
“I see students that come in and bring their friends who are working on homework while they are working on their artwork… to me I find this to be a safe place for students to come in and just relax,” visual arts teacher Susan Berns stated.
But the classroom is not limited to just ceramics. Berns also said, “there’s always something in here to organize, to clean, to paint, to draw. There’s never anything not to do. There’s always something to keep you on task and in your mind.”