Celebrating the Class of 2020
Here are the memories and after graduation plans of the Class of 2020!
May 21, 2020
Even though senior year was cut short, throughout our four years together, we had some moments that were challenging, stressful, and enervating, but with all of these roller coasters of emotions, it was worth it in the end because we had a very memorable high school experience. Let’s look back, reminisce all of our moments of laughter and smiles together, what we are going to miss from GCHS, and then look forward to our plans in the future!
Some of seniors’ memorable high school moments
Whether it would be in the classrooms and hallways of the school or through sports, club organizations, or dances, here are memories that some seniors had from these past four years and will never forget.

Seniors will miss their Ramily
While in high school, seniors have encountered some amazing teachers these past years and have impacted them in so many ways. Here are some honorable teacher mentions from seniors and what lessons they have learned.
What are the plans of the class of 2020 after graduation?
According to our RAMPAGE survey, many of our seniors have a variety of plans after graduating high school and what they would imagine themselves to be in five years! Whether that would be graduating from college, starting their dream job, continuing their education in law or medical school, or living in their apartment, these seniors will continue to impact wherever they are after high school.
Usually every year, GCHS has a physical map outside the cafeteria of what colleges/universities seniors are going after high school. This chart that is shown here as a replacement for that shows the ten schools that seniors applied to the most. Along with charts that show the areas that seniors are going into if attending college and a graph showing post highschool plans from joining the workforce or military to attending a 4-year university.
Here is some data from Mrs. Mercure of what are the plans of the Class of 2020 after graduation

Advice from the class of 2020 to the incoming class of 2024
From the RAMPAGE survey, the majority of the class of 2020 agrees that they have changed in some way since freshman year. We all had different experiences that we encountered throughout the years, and we have learned and matured them. Shown on the left is some advice from our seniors to incoming high school freshmen.
GCHS community helping seniors feel valued
GCHS administration, staff, and faculty have made students feel better during quarantine by providing us support through social media, sending out heartfelt letters. And even personally delivering signs to our homes and having conversations with us while socially distancing, acknowledging us for the different clubs or sports teams that we have taken a part of, and so much more.
Here are some pictures of seniors with their signs on their lawns.
School counselor Barry Goldman started at Grayslake Central along with the class of 2020 back in 2016 and enjoys the face to face conversations he had with the seniors these past four years. “When we first went on the quarantine and we were limiting the amount of time at school, the senior class was the group that I thought of first, because I know they’re missing out on that last quarter of their experience in high school and all the events that come with it. I think post-spring break for seniors is a really fun time where they’re looking forward to different events like the senior countdown, prom if they attend, and graduation,” said Goldman.

Even though those events were missed, the GCHS community cares about their seniors and are hopeful for in-person events to give them the proper closure from high school. These events have been postponed and planned for later dates.
Advice from Goldman to seniors
Goldman gives some advice to the class of 2020 as they head out into the real world. “I feel the class of 2020 and all of our students really support one another. Whatever path you take down the road, if you are a good person, you treat others well, you work hard, opportunities will find ways into your life. We celebrate your time at Central and we celebrate the kind of the people you are as individuals, but we also know that goes to the collective whole, and the impact that you’ve made on our school culture and the area of Grayslake is huge, and it will continue to be as you guys come back and live in the area,” said Goldman.