Dance prepares for new performance
Dance gets ready for upcoming games and competition season.
Girls’ varsity team breaks out their dance routine at the Best Buddies Basketball game.
December 12, 2019
The girls’ varsity dance team is preparing for upcoming events, like the girl and guy dance and their upcoming Christmas routine, which will all take place during basketball games.
The dance team is pushing themselves to advance their skills and prepare for upcoming basketball games and competitions.
“The girls have been pushing themselves to get more comfortable with advanced turn skills,” stated varsity coach Daniela Ziegler.
As the girls prepare for competition season, they look forward to basketball performances. They are looking to prepare close to perfect performances. The girls have improved their techniques and have become physically stronger.
“The girls have been preparing for this season since summertime. They start each practice with a 30 minute conditioning exercise, followed by a long stretch, technique and then focusing on their routine.” stated coach Ziegler.
As the girls get ready for competitions and basketball games, they also look forward to the girls and guys dance on Feb. 7, during a varsity basketball game. The dance consists of girls and boys dancing on their own, with a couple dances together.
“Each girl gets a guy…they come in and train for a week… and we perform at a basketball game or two,” explained senior Morgan Provo.
Most of the girls’ basketball performances are based off of their competition schedules.
“Sometimes we will perform our competition routines; sometimes we will perform routines we learned over the summer,’’ explained Provo.
Basketball and competition season creates full schedules for the girls’ dance because not only do they have to prepare and perfect their performances for the games, but at the same time, competition season is putting them under stress and a hectic schedule.
“Basketball is a hectic season because it’s the same time as our competition season. While we work on perfecting our competition routine and, depending on how crazy the week with our other practices and classes, JV will take the games,” explained Provo.
“We think of ourselves as a family who laughs together, cries together, and makes amazing memories together.” Coach Ziegler