CPGI has been canceled
In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, Encore!’s CPGI performances were canceled, to the disappointment of the cast and crew.
Pictured above is the full cast and crew for CPGI, all of whom were affected by the cancellation, in a company photo. Photo provided by Maureen Ritter.
April 9, 2020
It should come as no surprise that with the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, Encore! canceled their productions of These Shining Lives and Matilda for the IHSA CPGI competition. Every other event on the planet has already been canceled, so a pair of plays, which would require a large group of people to sit in an audience together, would clearly be among these cancellations. Yet, it seems that people may not be aware how these cancellations are affecting the cast.
Don’t take this the wrong way–this is not trying to suggest that people’s lives should be put at risk just so CPGI can be performed. Rather, this is simply a way of looking into just how COVID-19 has indirectly impacted student’s lives.
The members of Encore! prepared these two shows practically since the beginning of the semester. They put dozens of hours into rehearsal, only to have it taken away from them, quite literally, at the last second. The announcement that GCHS would be closing came the same day that the first performance was supposed to be, and the IHSA competition was canceled the day before.
After school that day, Encore! held a meeting, where there was a range of emotions, from tears to quiet shock, from both the students and the directors. The disappointment could be felt from everybody in the room. Despite the promise that the shows would eventually be performed, now even that’s not certain. The eLearning period has been extended until at least the beginning of May, with no certainty of a return this school year yet.
All the work that was put into the shows was definitely not for nothing. Even if they were never performed, the journey is more important than the destination. The cast and crew members had a great experience, improving the shows, building the sets, and all the while growing a lot closer with each other. It is always satisfying to see something you work on improve as time goes on.
At the same time, though, it is quite a shame that two great shows were never performed after three months of hard work. The main reason why students participate in the shows is because of a love for performing and being rewarded for their hard work. The destination is not the most important part, but it is still pretty nice to experience.
With so many other activities and events canceled thanks to the virus, it is safe to say that the members of Encore! are not the only ones who have gone through this experience. The cancellations were necessary, but it is important to continue appreciating your friends, family, and your hobbies in this time of crisis, even when you cannot participate in them right now. See you soon, Encore!