On Jan. 8 and 9 of 2025, students in Rams Block at Grayslake Central High School were offered an unique opportunity to participate in an event called Service Days. The way this worked was that students interested in partaking could sign up for numerous offered activities, such as making dog toys for shelter dogs, making friendship bracelets for the Best Buddies program, or even being allowed to leave school grounds for a class period and go on a field trip to a different school to read to younger kids.
All students who attended had a great experience during the service days, with a wide array of options there was a choice for everyone to partake in something they loved. “I thought it was so fun. I got to go with my friends and read to first graders that gave you their full attention,” said freshman Payton Schobert. “It brightened my day, big time. And you could tell it made a difference in other peoples lives too, not just your own.” Service days didn’t only make students’ days a little bit better. The activities done at service days helped others too. According to Dexter Landry, a freshman, the purpose of service days was “Just to give back, whether it be to a person or a cause, it’s just to give back in any way you can.” Mr. Golata, a member of the GCHS faculty, added that the purpose was “Just to show kids that when you help out others it makes you feel better, and it also provides support for communities.” He added that the only thing that could have made service days better was if they offered “more options that are longer.”