On October 14, 2023, Grayslake Central High School held a fundraiser called Operation Find the Cure run by Public Service Practicum members known as PSP. This fundraiser’s purpose was to raise money for childhood cancer research and to help families and children with cancer. All of the money raised was to be donated to childhood cancer to help find a cure. “It was really nice to see a community coming together and just supporting this cause,” said Paige Durley, a senior student at GCHS. Not only was Operation Find the Cure successful but so was the lemonade sold for Gold Week.
Gold Week is a way to rasie money for childhood cancer in a variety of ways, such as selling lemonade, selling doughnuts, (etc…). Then with all the money raised, was to go to children with cancer and help support them and thier families.
This year’s fundraiser “Hunt For the Cure” was very successful with thirteen groups of six to twelve students participating in a variety of games created by PSP members. Some of these games involved more of a mental take to finish and win, whereas some games needed more athletic and strenghth ability to complete. This year is the most successful the fundraiser has been post-Covid, with many students
participating. Not only was
this a popular fundraiser to participate in, it was also enjoyable and had few “dull” moments. There were many exciting and memorable parts to Hunt for the Cure such as the final gamewhich was to decide who won the whole event. As well as the small games leading up to the final game with many laughing moments.
There were many memorable and laughing moments but this wouldn’t have been possible without all the behind the scenes work that was put into every aspect of the fundraiser. It took a lot of work to bring this all together. “I like how my students work together as a team and are there and supportive of each other,” said Mr. Chierico. Senior student Bella Mortensen said, “I ran Friday the 13th and just kind of like seeing it all come together was like my favorite,” said Bella Mortensen. Friday the 13th was a game set up by PSP members.
Overall, all the work and stress eventually paid off because the participants had a great time and really enjoyed themselves as well as all the planning and time put into this fundraiser for it to end up being such a success.