Monthly surprise being planned for seniors
Staff plans a surprise for seniors every month leading up to graduation.
Photo provided by Mitchell Garcia
Student council staff hand out hot chocolate to the seniors on Jan. 21. More upcoming events are being planned by staff to celebrate the seniors. Senior Jordan Groth stated, “It made me happy that they are celebrating all of us seniors.”
February 4, 2021
As the class of 2021 is nearing the end of their high school career, staff are doing as much as possible to celebrate the upcoming end of their senior year. GCHS staff are making plans for seniors, to recognize their perseverance, since many students most likely will be missing out on many fun events during their senior year.
On the 21st of every month, a special or exciting something will be planned for the seniors, such as handing out hot chocolate from Something’s Brewing in downtown Grayslake in a drive-in that teachers and staff put together on Jan. 21 in the GCHS parking lot..
“We all have been talking about how this class lost part of their junior year, and now, they lost part of their senior year, and we’re still not sure what the rest of the year looks like. And so, we didn’t want to wait until graduation stuff normally starts, which is in the spring. We thought we should start doing just some little things here and there,” student activities director Dianna Repp said.
Although many of the seniors are probably curious as to what little things the staff is doing for the senior class, as of right now students won’t be knowing what is to come for the 21st of each month.
“We’re not telling anybody yet, really, we’re really trying to make them all a surprise,” Repp explained.
Senior student council sponsor Jackie Maravola elaborated more on what would be done for the seniors, such as a possible snowman building competition in February or something along the lines of senior superlatives in May.
“I hope they appreciate everything that the student council is trying to do for them, and family administration, you know everybody’s trying to come up with something. You know everybody’s trying to make sure that they have a great senior year, even though it’s not a normal senior year, we still want them to have a great senior year,” said Maravola.