Marching band ups their riffs
Grayslake Central’s marching band plays into a new season
November 23, 2021

Marching band has been working hard throughout the fall season, performing shows and competitions. They have seen progress and have improved together as a band.
Change is always difficult, especially for something as complex as a band. This year, change came to the band via new Director, Zach Geller. However, this change didn’t seem like much of a problem, seeing as the marching band did well this season. “We do self and group reflections and then we look at our scores and we listen to judges feedback that we get from every competition. And that helps really guide our practices moving forward so that we can refine our craft and put on an even better performance,” said Geller.
Geller and the marching band have worked together to improve every show they’ve performed in “So far I think our last show is always the best show, because if we do things well, that means that we always put out our best performance,” said Geller.
Though they had done great more into the season there was a particular show that a student in the marching band, Anneliese Mayfield, had spoken about. “The only show I didn’t really like was one of the first shows we had. It was 90 degrees out so we were getting really hot in our uniforms. It caused a problem during the show and people started to mess up while marching,” stated Mayfield. They also had mentioned that after the show some students in the marching band weren’t feeling so great due to the heat.
The marching band had a great season because not only did they have fun this season but they also learned from one another. “I think we’re doing an excellent job of learning from each other. Especially the upperclassmen and our leadership team, helping to guide all the members of our ensemble towards the excellent division,” stated Geller.