Family time creates quarantine fun
Quarantine leads to a marathon of family fun.
Rampage staffer Daniel Robins and his siblings spend family time by taking senior pictures out side their home on a nice day. Photo by Daniel Robins
April 14, 2020
During this time of hardship in our world, most people will say to hold your family close. That is exactly what most people do, especially since people can’t leave their homes. While some people complain, most will say it has given many a chance to reconnect. With work, sports and other activities closed or canceled, many families are having more time to talk and be together–one of the good things to come out of our current situation with Coronavirus.
In the article “Daily Life And Coping¨ from the C.D.C., a section is directed to children and teens, along with their parents and guardians, about the stress and anxiety and what they can do for each other. The C.D.C. suggests to “connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.” This is something that has been lost on the current generation and that more time for family during this time can help to reinvigorate relationships. Furthermore, the C.D.C. informed parents to “be a role model. Take breaks, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat well. Connect with your friends and family members.”
In addition to being a support system for your family, this time is also great for family fun activities. From a RAMPAGE poll of about 60 GCHS students, more than 76% said they spent less than 5 hours with their family per day prior to the stay-at-home order. Now, over 50% of students are saying they spend at least 10 to 15 hours a day with their families doing activities. From playing board games to having Nerf gun battles, to watching movies and shows and going for walks outside, many GCHS students are taking this time to reconnect with their family members. Overall, this RAMPAGE poll showed that enjoyment of time with family is at an all-time high in the GCHS community.
Another thing many people are doing is reading. There are many ways to read; both ebooks and audiobooks are a great way to pass the time. Check out the book reviews on our website by Hayley Breines for some ideas on what to read! Another activity many GCHS students are enjoying is family walks. This is great for getting students outside to get some fresh air and sunlight, which helps with both mood and boosting the immune system; both are very important during these hard times.
From watching a movie to filming Tik Toks, spending time with family can really help with stress and the worry people are facing right now. This being said, it is important to keep in mind just because you’re together, doesn’t mean you need to do everything together all day, you should still take time for you, but, hopefully, this opens the door to continue having more family time for families everywhere.