As many may know by now, spring sports in the IHSA and all state tournaments have been canceled for the 2020 season. As this was the last season for seniors in their high school careers, it brings sadness to many of them as well as their friends and families.
Jack Wold is just one of the many seniors that lost an opportunity to play the sport they loved one last time for Central. Wold played tennis all throughout his high school career and was devastated when his senior sports season came to a sudden end.
“It was a bummer when we found out our senior season was canceled because we were looking forward to such a successful season. My teammates and I put in a lot of work this offseason and to see that all get thrown away is upsetting,” said Wold. “This year was very special because me and my doubles partner were projected to do very well, but we do not have that opportunity anymore.” Wold’s partner was his twin brother, Jeffery Wold, also a senior at Central.
Even though Wold lost his opportunity to play one last season, he at least learned what it meant to be a Ram.
“One lesson I took away from playing sports in high school is to be determined and never give up. I joined tennis my freshman year as a joke and wasn’t too serious about it, but it turned out to be a lot of fun playing against other schools and getting closer to new people,” said Wold.
Even though the seniors’ sports are done for the season, the athletic directors at Grayslake Central High School are working together to give the seniors an amazing farewell.
One of the many things they have done is made signs for the seniors that have missed out on their seasons.
“Mr. Moe is very focused on making sure we honor our seniors that play spring sports, so he has been coming up with creative ideas to make sure our spring athletes feel the love! He had these signs made and then each varsity head coach picked them up and delivered them to their athletes’ homes last week,” says Abbey Erlenbaugh Assistant Athletic Director.
Another thing that has been done for the seniors is that signs have been put up for them in the windows of the schools.
“The school windows on Lake Street have been decorated for them. We took part in #bethelight, which was a way of showing our support not only to our seniors but all of the essential workers putting their lives on the line for our country,” says Erlenbaugh.
Athletic Director Brian Moe explains that “#BeTheLight is a national movement, while #LightsfortheFight is an IHSA movement, to honor the senior class and all essential workers during this crazy time. Stadium lights go on at 8:20 (which is 20:20 in military time) and stay on for 20 minutes. I feel it’s important for us to participate to let the seniors know we still think about them, care about them, and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.”
Many things are unknown during these times but some events have been rescheduled.
“The administration at Central is doing everything we can to have important year end events for our seniors in person. Senior Athletic Night has been moved to July 13, still at 6:30 pm at Maravela’s,” says Moe.
As for summer camps, those can still change anytime. Moe states that they are waiting as long as they can to make the decisions on those as they do not want to put any of the players or coaches at risk.
Many feel this pain of not being able to play their last season at GCHS, but everybody is in it together.
“My heart goes out to all of our spring athletes that did not get their season this year. I feel so sad for our seniors, and I get emotional just thinking about the fun times they have missed out on this spring. They have put in so much time during their off-season and the past four years, so I know losing out on their spring season has been painful,” says Erlenbaugh.